HDC Americas: Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy Statement

HDC Americas Inc. is committed to safeguarding the earth's natural environment for future generations. We recognise that respect for the natural world goes hand in hand with sustainable tourism development and human well being. In tourism development, harmonious integration with nature together with the wise use of natural resources are the proper goals of all responsible management.

Our policy has four tangible directions:

  • Good housekeeping: to manage HDCAmericas Inc. in ways that minimise deleterious environmental impacts and the use of natural resources.
  • Production: Wherever possible to use sustainable, environmentally friendly and recyclable materials across our product range.
  • Conservation of biodiversity: to maximise the ecological potential of tourism sites and destinations.
  • Communications and education: to ensure that our environmental attitude, policies and practices are accurately perceived by clients, staff, associates and the general public.

Crispian P. Emberson
Managing Director
30 August 2016

Reviewed annually.
Next review date 30 August 2019

A copy of our full Environmental Policy is available on request.